African Father In America podcast (AFIA Podcast) is produced by One Vibe Media and hosted by Simon Javan Okelo. AFIA Podcast has become a staple for many people across the African Diaspora globally. The podcast is a sacred space with over 650k views on YouTube, has attracted over 5,000 members in the African Father in America Club on Clubhouse, has been downloaded more than 150,000 times, has published over 315 episodes that feature African spiritual leaders, poets, entrepreneurs, authors, non-profit leaders, activists, and other guests that have been hosted since February 2020 when AFIA Podcast was first broadcasted.

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Nigerian Proverb | African Proverbs | AFIAPodcast
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Nigeria
The Proverb says: "If you fill your mouth with a razor, you will spit blood."
Nigerian proverbs often work as cautionary tales, offering advice and warnings to those who may not be able to see the consequences of their actions. The proverb "If you fill your mouth with a razor, you will spit blood" speaks to the danger and potential harm of speaking recklessly. Spitting out blood in this metaphor represents the pain and hurt that can be caused by harsh words or slander. In a time where social media allows for instantaneous communication, it is more important than ever to consider the weight of our words before letting them loose into the world.
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Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Sudanese Proverbs | African Proverbs | AFIAPodcast
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Sudan
The Proverb says: "A dog cannot carry its puppies on its back."
African proverbs often offer wise and deep insights, which is certainly true of the Sudanese proverb, "A dog cannot carry its puppies on its back." In other words, each person must be responsible for their actions and deeds. This sentiment is seen in many different cultures, such as the saying "you can't ride two horses at once," but the image of a dog carrying its young brings it to life in a unique and striking way.
#DailyAfricanProverbs always gives us food for thought and wisdom to contemplate in our everyday lives.
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Monday Oct 31, 2022
One Foot Is Not Enough To Walk With | African Proverbs | AFIAPodcast
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Egypt
The Proverb says: "One foot is not enough to walk with."
Just as walking with only one foot would limit our ability to move forward, relying on only one person or one idea can hinder progress. The proverb reminds us that it's important to seek out diverse perspectives, work together, and support each other in order to achieve success.
Join us on #AFIAPodcast to listen to our latest episode at 6 am PST/4 pm EAT
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Friday Oct 28, 2022
When you befriend a chief, remember that he sits on a rope | AFIAPodcast
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Uganda
The Proverb says: βWhen you befriend a chief, remember that he sits on a rope."
The saying "when you befriend a chief, remember that he sits on a rope" carries an important lesson in navigating relationships with those in positions of power. The phrase refers to the uncomfortable reality that the Chief, or any leader, is constantly balancing various responsibilities and pressures. As such, they may not always have your best interests at heart or be able to prioritize your needs. It's important to maintain a sense of awareness and caution in these relationships and not fully trust someone just because they are a friend or hold a high position. At the same time, it's also crucial to treat them with respect and not let this understanding turn into manipulation or exploitation. Ultimately, both parties should approach the relationship with open communication and mutual understanding of each other's roles and limitations.
Join us on #AFIAPodcast to listen to our latest episode at 6 am PST/4 pm EAT
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Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Better Little Than Too Little | AFIAPodcast
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Cameroon
The Proverb says: βBetter little than too little."
Today's proverb reminds us to prioritize quality over quantity. It may be tempting to have a lot of something, but if the things we have are inferior or inadequate, it ultimately does us no good. For example, instead of buying a pile of cheap clothing that quickly falls apart, it may be wiser to invest in a few high-quality pieces that will last for years. In relationships, it can also be beneficial to focus on deeper connections with a few individuals rather than superficial connections with many people. Ultimately, this proverb encourages us to strive for excellence and choose substance over superficiality.
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Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Earth Is The Queen of Beds | AFIAPodcast
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Namibia
The Proverb says: βEarth is the queen of beds"
"Earth is the queen of beds." This Namibian proverb beautifully captures the significance of the earth in our lives. Without the earth, we would have nowhere to sleep, grow our food, or build our homes. We depend on the earth's soil, water, and air to sustain us. However, too often we take these gifts for granted and fail to treat the earth with respect.
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Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
A secret for two, soon a secret for nobody | AFIAPodcast
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Algeria
The Proverb says: βA secret for two, soon a secret for nobody"
As this Algerian proverb suggests, secrets are difficult to keep, especially when multiple people are involved. The more people who know about a secret, the higher the chance that it will eventually be revealed. This can lead to disastrous consequences, as secrets often involve sensitive information or powerful individuals. Trust is a crucial component in maintaining secrecy, but even the most trusted individual may let slip something they were meant to keep confidential. Ultimately, it is best not to rely on others to keep your secrets and to make sure that any important information remains close to only those who need to know.
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Monday Oct 24, 2022
Envy And Greed Grow On The Same Stalk | AFIAPodcast
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Namibia
The Proverb says: βEnvy and greed grow on the same stalk"
Envy is the desire for something that someone else has, while greed is an excessive craving for wealth or material possessions. However, both emotions stem from a feeling of dissatisfaction or lack. We envy those who have what we want, and in turn, greed drives us to relentlessly pursue more and more in hopes of filling that void. Indeed, envy and greed feed off of each other like twin weeds on the same stalk, leading us down a never-ending spiral of discontentment. Acknowledging these negative emotions and finding fulfillment within ourselves can help us break free from their grip.
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Friday Oct 21, 2022
When a gorilla is in power, the monkeys are happy
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Swaziland
The Proverb says: βWhen a gorilla is in power, the monkeys are happy"
When thinking about a strong leader, most people imagine a charismatic or powerful individual. However, in gorilla society, the true mark of a successful leader is the happiness and well-being of their followers. A "silverback" gorilla in power will protect and provide for his group of monkeys, ensuring they have enough to eat and keeping them safe from danger. In turn, the monkeys show respect and loyalty to their leader through grooming and submissive gestures. While there may be periods of tension and aggression between rival gorillas vying for power, overall the troop thrives under a strong leader. So next time you see a group of monkeys cheerfully swinging through trees, it's likely thanks to their wise and benevolent gorilla leader.
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Thursday Oct 20, 2022
You cannot put two bulls into one kraal | AFIAPodcast
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Greetings Village!
#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Botswana
The Proverb says: βYou cannot put two bulls into one kraal."
Bulls are naturally territorial and will quickly establish dominance over their surroundings. Putting two bulls together in a confined space, such as a kraal, will only lead to fighting and potential injuries for both animals.
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